
The Social Psychology Area is represents the field of social psychology and its connections to neighbouring fields, both from a basic and applied perspective. It is engaged with teaching at the B.A. level of the psychology degree program as well as the business psychology program in a number of modules including social psychology (lectures and accompanying seminars, empirical lab courses, as well as intervention research (e.g., applied social psychology of climate protection and sustainability). In addition, we provide teaching input into the trans-regional certificate "Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung" (Education for Sustainable Development) in cooperation with the University Duisburg-Essen. At the masters level, our area contributes to the business psychology masters degree program with courses on organizational behavior. 

Please visit the Ruhr University's online study guide for more information on our current and past courses.

For all questions concerning organizational issues (e.g., course admission, exams, grade uploads etc.) please contact the office of the Social Psychology unit at

Bachelor / Master Theses

We offer bachelor and master theses on topics with a clear link to social psychological topics. You can learn more about our specific research interests on our team as well as our projects website.

In line with our support for principles of open science, we strongly encourage the pre-registration of hypotheses, materials, and analysis strategy for all empirical bachelor and master theses. 

More information on pre-registration and open science principles can be found on our local Open Science Initiative Moodle-Course of the faculty of psychology.

 As soon as you have agreed on a study's design together with your supervisor, please consider the following document, including information about the crediting process as well as a guide to general contents of a study, especially an online study (e.g. introduction, participants' consent, closure etc.). Currently the document is only avaiable in German, an English version will follow soon.

Sozialpsychologie_Studienvorlage   (35.2 kB)

Past Teaching

Ringvorlesung Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit (WS2020/21)


Für das Wintersemester 2020/21 ko-organisiert unser Lehrstuhl die Ringvorlesung „Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit“ an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Die Ringvorlesung möchte einen aktuellen und interdisziplinären Blick auf die großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen angesichts des Klimawandels werfen. Da der Klimawandel als Folge nicht-nachhaltigen Handelns (individuell sowie kollektiv) verstanden werden kann, möchte die Ringvorlesung in Bochum einen besonderen Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte und deren Bedeutsamkeit aus Sicht der einzelnen beteiligten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen legen.

Die Ringvorlesung richtet sich an Studierende aller Disziplinen sowie interessierte Bürger*innen.


David Piorunek, M.Sc. (Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft), Berenice Kramer, M.Sc. (Lehrstuhl Werkstofftechnik), Friederike Asche, M.A. (Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Ethik), Anna Leithäuser, M.Sc. (Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik), Sophie Pathe, M.Sc. (Lehrstuhl Energiesysteme und Energiewirtschaft), Jule Öttinghaus, Amelie Schmidt, Heike Splieth & Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hofmann (Lehrstuhl für Sozialpsychologie)